LJS Users Groups


Customers have created a variety of awards using our ARTWelder, BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite and NameIt Suite programs. They can create low-cost ornamental designs with ARTWelder for competitions, events, and special occasions, for example. The BoxIt Suite and FlexIt Suite design tools enable users to create trophy bases, plaques, and unique gifts. The NameIt Suite is very helpful to process long lists of names and numbers for award nameplates.


Customers that have their laser in their house, garage, or shop that like to create shop compartments or fun gifts for family and friends thoroughly enjoy using our ARTWelder, BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, and WrapIt


Laser Jump Start’s product design tools are ideal for woodworking projects! A variety of wood materials work well from MDF materials—like Laser Jump Start’s 1/8” Double-Sided, Color-Set Materials—to hardwood laminates, and more. Laser Jump Start has tested a variety of wood materials and as long as your laser can cut the material and the sheet stock remains flat for laser processing, you can use those materials with your LJS product design tools like the BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, ARTWelder, and WrapIt programs. Your wood stock doesn’t have to be pre-finished, for many of our customers use unfinished woods and then sand and finish as desired.


Companies that machine parts for customers see value in using Laser Jump Start’s BoxIt Suite and FlexIt Suite programs for creating custom part fixtures along with using the NameIt Suite for serializing and part marking identification for hundreds and thousands of part quantities. 


Creating letters, names, and logos as standalone signage to signage components using the BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, and ARTWelder programs helps signage companies bring their customer’s vision to life quickly.  


A company in the promotional space benefits from using Laser Jump Start’s BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, ARTWelder, WrapIt, or NameIt Suite programs to create promotionals for customers, or create branded promotionals for their own marketing efforts. Companies exhibiting at trade-shows, craft fairs, farmers markets, and other events save time creating memorable, unique, and functional promotional items that stand out in comparison to traditional imported promotions. 


Career and Technology education programs in high schools in additional to university engineering, architecture, construction, and computer programming programs benefit from using Laser Jump Start’s BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite, FrameIt Suite, ARTWelder, WrapIt, and NameIt Suite programs for a variety of educational projects ranging from Middle school to University level programs. Students enjoy designing projects quickly which they can assembled for a tangible result. Instructors benefit from offering students design tools their students are excited to use and are able to visualize solutions to complex problems. 


Companies manufacturing their own product lines find Laser Jump Start’s product design tools helpful with creating prototypes and constructional elements for their products.