
Programs Testimonials


First Response: "[…] I'm really enjoying ArtWelder, is fast and real easy to use, I still have to explore the graphics integration and the capability of making my own Fancy Border designs, (no much time right now to play with it) so it means I'm having fun with only one third of the program capabilities. :> there are so many ideas floating in my head that I could do with my macros arsenal. B-)"

Second Response: "Hi Aubrey,

I just want to let you know that ArtWelder has been a success! :O :D to my surprise the program did pay itself the very first day and without even showing it in my retail store, I have a little store that my wife runs, and a working shop where I produce the stuff, well I decide to practice on some ornaments to give to some of my neighbors […] they liked them so much that they start ordering for their families, something that never cross my mind, I made the ornaments out of plain Baltic Birch, the program is so fast and easy to use that is actually fun to do it. I'm glad I bought it. B-)"

        Feedback from Ruben with Gift Worlds Plus in California.



"Hi Aubrey,
… I love it [the BoxIt Suite] and Kalli that I gave the soccer clock to loves it." [FYI: This customer has started making clocks with the BoxIt Suite that look amazing!]
        Feedback from Caren with Caren’s Laser Creations in Idaho.

Smiley face


I have spent a little time with the Boxit, my daughter & son really like it."
        Feedback from Thomas Dean with ThomCat Engraving in Oregon


 “Thank you for checking in on me! We've been lasering all weekend and we are still on our last 5 sets of pieces. I've attached a picture of what the project looks like, minus the engraving on the sides still to come. They are 10" x 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" centerpieces for a social awareness conference and the exclamation point is their logo - !deation - which is why it was so important for us to use BoxIt. I'll send you a picture of the finished product for the website […] if I get permission from the organization.

 I look forward to creating unique pieces with the programs and I appreciate your support”.

        Feedback from Judy with I.B. Trophy and Awards in California.




 “Ferris Wheel, the wheel is 17" around, there is a 4 RPM motor turning the chain drive.

The Motor is in the box under the Ferris Wheel.

I started Friday night a week ago and finished it last night (added some more details today, Sun)maybe 40 hours?and a couple of Hundred thinking about it and "how to".

All wood...but the motor, four bolts, 4 nuts, two washers, two wood screws and 4 springs (all for the motor and motor support) […] I used Boxit on the seats and boxes around stuff."

Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.


“….I just can’t stop..”

“[…] made from real wood sides are Walnut and the top is Cherry. I played with the bridge [Laser Jump Start Vol. I “Promotional Products”] this afternoon […] that is so going to happen next week that just about cover the price of the laser jump start Volume 1.”

Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.




“Day Two”. [Doug’s second day using the BoxIt Suite—he made a nice little clock]

Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.


First Response[…] I'm happily messing around with Boxit and the other macros, and indeed one's imagination is most of the limit. The attached photo (and Corel files, should you want to make them) shows a very simple use of the pedestal macro to make a couple of baskets. I designed these as a retirement gift for a friend who's finally retiring after 46 years and is about to take his fifth wheel (and wife, should he remember what she look like) out on a long summer road trip. The originals have my logo on the bottoms, but that's been removed in the attached files.

 Second Response: “Aubrey,

I'm closing in on my original goal of making toolboxes and similar items using Boxit […] the attached is my proof of concept design for creating the necessary internal tabs for drawer supports.  Let's hear it for the lid, none, plug and plug-with-holes options :-) […] As an aside, I'm doing designs on a Mac Pro desktop, driving the laser from a Macbook Pro laptop down in the shop.  Corel X5 and the Boxit suite are running under Windows XP, which in turn is running as a virtual machine in VMware on the two Macs.  Makes for a nice stable development environment since Windows never messes with the actual hardware.   My just-retired wife is now muttering about 'sharing the computer nicely' as she checks her email from the iPad.  Boxit may be hazardous to one's health […] it's certainly addictive.

        Feedback from Duncan in Maryland

Hi Aubrey,

 “Pretty cool huh?[...]we were just playing with the program to see what it could do.  I think the Texas will be a big hit for us.” 

Feedback from Larry in Texas  



I agree about the addiction [referring to the BoxIt program becoming fun to use and addictive]!  I found that I could take an old calendar with nice images and cut a unique carton box.  Some of the heavier scrap booking paper works great too, including the metallics.  I work at a paint shop and we have lots of paint sticks.  I've made some fun things with 1" x 12" paint sticks...

Feedback from Greg with Vinyl Graphics By Greg in Texas.

“…You know that  we bought your boxit SW few months ago and it is fabulous tool in our field and now you offer a new generation "flexit" and again we find it very useful in our business ,save time , save assembly time.... A lot of benefits we'll gain... Also we have a good news for you, we shared last month in a sign show here in Egypt and we did awesome designs with your sw

Feedback from Waleed with Best Media in Egypt.

“…I am cutting boxes created by your wonderful program [the BoxIt Suite] as we 'speak'! I love BoxIt - it has allowed my business to offer wonderful new products not otherwise possible!”

Feedback from K.C. with www.kcpeck.com in California.






Gun Cleaning Kit Box

by Darrell W. originally shared on Epilog’s Facebook page.


BoxIt chair, small box, and round disk

created by GP in Italy


Lantern, designed with BoxIt and milled on a CNC-Milling Router”

Posted on Laser Jump Start’s Facebook page by Klaus in Germany.







Tablet designed with platform tool”.

Posted on Laser Jump Start’s Facebook page by Klaus in Germany.

First BoxIt products, BoxIt Candle Holder and BoxIt Lantern

 by Tonio with ForumCNC in Italy.

Multi-Use Pie Holder

by Phil and Aaron Bogle with LaserPatternWerx.com

 Bow Case

by Phil and Aaron Bogle with LaserPatternWerx.com


“I have had a few design projects that other laser owners have not wanted to do, and I am getting pretty fast at doing some more complicated designs”.

Posted by Phil and Aaron Bogle with LaserPatternWerx.com

[BoAnita has been using the BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite and ARTWelder programs to help add to their product line since 2013. They specialize in offering kits for scrapbooking including keepsake boxes, album covers, home décor  items, and more]. “… For Boxit we're only beginning to offer our clients, but the hinged cover, the cube and the hexagonal box have been very successful. We just want to offer more models, but remains simple to assemble for the customer… I also do some shows / fairs. I did a show last month in Paris, the idea of ​​decorated Christmas cubic models really liked”.

Feedback from BoAnita with Boanita.com in France.

General BoxIt Suite User Comments

“Really love the BoxIt program!  Keep up the great work”!

Feedback from Michael with DCD Laser Engraving in Ohio.

I love your items and the box it patterns.

Lin Betancourt

Comments Posted on Epilog’s Facebook Fan Page
I use it for some of my projects”.

Feedback from Mark with M&M Custom Crafts in Texas.

I use Boxit all the time and love it, I have all their other software too, like name it, still need to learn Art welder… but "boxit" is cool and easy

Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.

I use BoxIt and I use it to aid in my design work and to make gifts for friends. It solves multiangle corner issues fast and easily. I love my boxit and they are excellent to deal with… I should add that I feel BoxIt helps spur the imagination. I'd rather come up with ideas then spend time setting it up when BoxIt does it in a couple mouse clicks.

Feedback from Adam in Canada.

Comments Posted on Laser Jump Start’s YouTube Channel

“This is application is well worth the cost. The potential is limitless. Thanks for sharing your genius with the rest of us”.

Feedback from Tom with BendLaserWorks in Oregon.


 “…I pre-finished the wood with a coat of General Finishes Wood Turners finish, then sanded to 220 grit and did a Beall buff treatment before cutting.  My wife is OK with this one for the moment... I'll make a 'real' one for another lamp out in the living room sometime this weekend after hitting the store for more birch ply.”

Feedback from Duncan in Maryland. 

“Here's yesterday's round box test project done in inexpensive 5mm maple/birch plywood, with the outside (maple) buffed and waxed.  Interior is unfinished.  Seven inches OD, 4 inches high, 22 side segments, with an effective 3 1/2 inch useable space under the lip.  As noted, absolutely no issues with FlexIt in either design or cutting…”

Feedback from Duncan in Maryland.


“My new Lighthouse, designed with FlexIt. It's 64 cm high”.

Feedback from Klaus in Germany.


Glasses Holder

by Doug Green

Hair Barrette

by Phil and Aaron Bogle with LaserPatternWerx.com

[BoAnita has been using the BoxIt Suite, FlexIt Suite and ARTWelder programs to help add to their product line since 2013. They specialize in offering kits for scrapbooking including keepsake boxes, album covers, home décor  items, and more]. “… For Boxit we're only beginning to offer our clients, but the hinged cover, the cube and the hexagonal box have been very successful. We just want to offer more models, but remains simple to assemble for the customer… I also do some shows / fairs. I did a show last month in Paris, the idea of ​​decorated Christmas cubic models really liked”.

Feedback from BoAnita with Boanita.com in France.

FrameIt Suite


by Jan Calahan with Oak Tree Embroidery







NameIt Suite 

“thanks […] got it and fast” […] “Got it all to work..Ron thanks for your help it's a great program and easy, makes life easy....I have tried to do this in Corel (print merge) and  never could get it.....


Doug....the video on this is good and the manual says it all”

Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.

BoxIt and ARTWelder

Klaus Korte’s BoxIt and ARTWelder 50th Birthday Clock:Gift for a 50th birthday - cover plate can be taken away. BoxIt and ArtWelder are great :)”. Posted on Laser Jump Start’s Facebook page.




Laser Jump Start Vol. I

 “[…] it's the 16" long one and sometime soon I'm going to make the one that is 24" long and do a little more, maybe add something to look like water, and pillars […]?”

        Feedback from Doug with Express Laser Service in Texas.

General Testimonials

“You [Aubrey] have been so helpful I want to send business your way. You have the same ethics I do about helping people, whether you get a sale or not, that I'm sure we can work well together and hopefully make a lot of money together.”

Feedback from Amy in California.

“I wanted you [Laser Jump Start] to know I love your programs..... Large learning curve for me but I think I will master it in time”.

Feedback from Bob with WNT Simply ART in Michigan.

Yes....  The programs are funtastic !  Yes I said that FUNTASTIC !

Now you people [Laser Jump Start Staff] at the shop can relax and enjoy some of the holidays...... As I am ..... Well almost .... because I have this awesome new program driving me crazy..... testing new ways to make my basic boxes more than basic.! I have to tell you this... It took some real thought at spending that amount of Not so loose Cash on something. When I had no clue as to how it would fit in with my new laser woodworking. But I now see it can only benefit me in the long run and will pay for itself in a short time. You have my recommendations totally !  If you have any pointers Id love to hear them.. Bob (the box maker).”

Feedback from Bob with WNT Simply ART in Michigan.