New CorelDraw Graphic Suite 2023

By Aubrey Innes
1 min read

New CorelDraw Graphic Suite 2023

March 7, 2023, CorelDraw Released their 2023 Subscription and One-Time Purchase versions! What does this mean for LJS Users?

CorelDraw Graphics Suite Box

During last year, CorelDraw released their Graphics Suite 2022 for Subscribers ONLY and until yesterday (March 6, 2023) the only lifetime/perpetual license (one-time purchase) was CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2021. Today, March 7th, 2023, everything changed!

It's important to understand that the CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2023 for subscribers vs. one-time purchase is different. If you download the 15-day trial of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2023, the download is the Subscriber version (additional features than the one-time purchase).

At this time, our LJS programs are compatible through CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2021! 

There doesn't appear to be an Upgrade option for CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2023 right now other than the full license. Once we have an opportunity to Upgrade to the CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2023 one-time purchase version, then we can work on developing compatible LJS install versions.


AS ALWAYS, please make sure to select CorelDraw's full Graphics Suite version for use with your LJS programs. Here's a reminder for the types of CorelDraw that Don't work with LJS Programs

If you have any questions, please reach out via our web chat, email, or phone.

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