Supporting Each Other During These Times

By Aubrey Innes
2 min read

Supporting Each Other During These Times

Laser Jump Start Help and Support

During These Challenging Times, All of Us Need More Help and Support!

We will never forget how the year 2020 began and how the world has changed. Nothing like a worldwide pandemic to accentuate our virtues. Letting our light shine and offering more compassion, kindness, and support  to those around us is not only a gift to others, but is a gift to us as well. When we give we also receive.

When we offer support to others through our talents, gifts, and our most precious resource--our time; we are simultaneously lifting our own spirits and feeding our souls.

We can learn from these days and recognize though some doors have closed, windows are opening all around. This is an opportunity to share kindness with one another.

It's easy to be negative--it doesn't take any effort to see situations with a glass half-empty mindset; however, it takes a strong person with courage, grit, and determination to see the good in seemingly dark periods.


As we are all struggling with long entrance grocery store lines; limited toiletry stocks, and crazy reactionary shoppers, we can take comfort in this Easter Season. Making decisions from a fearful state is never productive long-term; however, staying calm and rational is a Blessing we can share with all!


Please view our Specials page for details of our current offers. Effective April 9th, 2020, we are offering FREE Training Sessions as our way to Help and Support our customers!


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